Honey in Daily Diet and Purity Test
March 23, 2017
So, as I've mention before on earlier post that I just got out from the hospital, I am now more concern about my health (not that I've never concerned before) and begin to take care more of myself. I was having a really bad gastric problem lately so I started taking honey since I heard honey is good for ulcer and gastrointestinal disorder. A tablespoon of honey daily should be more than enough. Soon, I noticed that I was gaining back my appetite and feeling a lot better, I don't know if it's because of the honey or that I was actually getting better by myself LOL but I believe it gave beneficial health for me ;).
This is not a commercial post, so the products that I am about to show you are the real honey products that I am taking currently:
1. HL - IDR 215K.
I bought this honey through my friend. It's a wild honey harvested from local wild forest bees. The water content of this honey varies from one to another because it depends on many factors, such as weather factors. The wild honey is claimed to have more superior health benefits than the farmed honey. This one has darker color and stronger smell than the other one I had.
2. Hillary Farm (Manuka Honey) - IDR 360K
I bought this one like a week ago to give it a try and it's more expensive than the first one, costs around IDR 360,000 for only 500 ml. It claims to be very good to boost antibody system because Manuka Honey contains an anti-bacteria. The higher UMF (Unique Manuka Factor) level it carries, the better quality it will be because it has a lot more antibacterial compounds, but again it depends on what your needs are. Manuka Honey is produced in New Zealand and considered to be one of the most unique and best honey in the world. It has mild, pleasantly sweet smell. The texture is richer and thicker than the wild honey that I bought.
Well, after more than 3 weeks of consuming honey, I started to wander if the honey that I took was pure enough. So I browsed the internet and found some test to check the purity of a honey. I am not an expertise myself so I am not going to judge anything and let the pictures do the justice.
There are several ways to check how pure your honey is, but I took only 2 tests just for FUN :)
Test #1
"A real honey will form a lump at the bottom and won't mix with the water (unless we stir)."
Product 1: HL
From the test, I found that the HL honey got a little bit dissolved in water, so I'm guessing it has more water contents or other compounds.
Product 2: Manuka Honey from Hillary Farm
The Manuka Honey didn't dissolve and the water is still clear.
Test #2
"A real honey won't leave a wet mark on absorbent material such as paper towel."
Product 1: HL
There's a bit wet mark on the edge of the honey drop after I left it a little longer
Product 2: Manuka Honey from Hillary Farm
No wet mark on the edge of the honey drop :)
As a conclusion based on both tests, I assume that product 1 has more water content than product 2, but again, these test are just for fun and I am not telling that product 1 is bad or anything since I guess weather factors might take a part of product 1's water content. But if I need to choose based on the product taste, I have to go with the Hillary Farm Manuka Honey :) Well, stay healthy guys!
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